iShare Logger

iShare Logger


iShare Logger provides a JavaScript map to allow people to locate an asset, fault, or other report based on spatial data. This replaces iShare Logger - Classic and is built upon ol-ishare, which uses current web technologies with a mobile-first approach, making it easier to adapt and integrate into reporting workflows.

Logger gives organisations with iShare the ability to integrate a modern, dynamic map in practically any web application, whether a third-party forms-package, CRM, standard website, or even Astun's own iShare Publisher module. The map is responsive and designed from the ground up to work on mobile devices. Once a Logger map is embedded in the application, users can view relevant spatial data and click on the map to select a location or a feature. The selected co-ordinates, the asset (if specified), and other contextual spatial data is then made available in a way that can be utilised in the web page and / or shared across the Internet.

Logger can be integrated into a web-based report by including links to a couple of JavaScript and CSS files and writing a short configuration script; no configuration is necessary in iShare Studio as Logger maps now use standard My Maps Map Sources and Layers. Be advised that new Map Sources to be used by Logger should be added to the My Maps node not Logger.

You may want to create a separate Map Source for use by Logger if you wish to include Layers and attributes specific for the back office system you wish Logger to supply data to.

Although the Layers are defined in the Map Source the order and how they are displayed or not in Logger is configured in your Logger ol-ishare map.

Logger uses map layers in three different ways, they are:

  • target layers: these are used to determine where reports can be made on the map. If configured, a report will require a selection from one of the target layers, usually of point data (e.g. asset locations such as street lights) or polygon data (e.g. constraining potholes to roads). If no target layers are configured then reports can be made anywhere on the map.

  • context layers: context layers allow useful additional data to be added to a Logger report. Feature data from these layers that intersects with the selection from a target layer (or the chosen location when no target layer configured) will be included in a report. Context layers don’t have to be visible on the map.

  • map layers: ordinary layers can be added to the map as with any other ol-ishare map. These do not get included in a report but might be useful to display to users, e.g. to highlight local landmarks. Any duplication with target or context layers will be ignored.

The report created by Logger is passed back to the embedding web application so that it can then submit the data, along with any other information entered by the user, into the relevant case management system. Reports can also be submitted into iShare, via the Logger ReportsManager, for display on the map as ‘known incidents’.

From iShare v6.0.0 the new ol-ishare Javascript library can now make use of the user's device location.

Technical Documents

The following pages provide technical information useful for implementing iShare Logger maps.




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