FTP Replicator Python Source
Source files:
Source file | Description |
Backup.py | To backup a list of files in the control file (controlf.dat). Should the backup fail, then restore the files from their backup. |
BLCF.py | To process a configuration file getting the elements that are to be checked for possible transmission. [Build List Changed Files] |
CheckChanges.py | To check if an entry in a file list needs to be included in the transmission. |
Config.py | To get configuration entry values from a configuration file. |
Directory.py | Directory support. |
FTPCmd.py | FTP Send and Get files. |
GatherFiles.py | To gather a list of files together into a directory for zipping into a transmission file. |
Heartbeat.py | To perform heartbeats, the sending of a regular e-mail to indicate that a system is still performing. |
L1.py | LOCAL One – The initiation entity. |
L2.py | LOCAL Two – To process any remote transmission and build the changes for transmission to the Remote. |
L3.py | LOCAL Three – To complete the local processing. |
LReset.py | To perform a LOCAL reset for the process, this is done without causing error messages to be raised. |
LStop.py | To perform a LOCAL reset for the process and raise an error message. |
Output.py | Class to output information to the output stream and to log to a file. |
Params.py | To check the required parameters. |
PGBackup.py | To do the backup of database tables using pg_dump.exe and restore using pg_restore.exe. |
PGCore.py | To connect and work with a database on PostgreSQL. |
PGStatus.py | To connect and work with the FTP Replication database on PostgreSQL. |
PGTables.py | To process a database and see what tables should be sent. |
PGUpdate.py | To Update the tables (with backup & recover policy). |
ProcessStatus.py | To produce the status of a location. |
R1.py | REMOTE One – To build the changes for transmission to the Local. |
R2.py | REMOTE Two – To process any local transmission. |
RepManager.py | The replication manager and starting point. |
RReset.py | To perform a REMOTE reset for the process, this is done without causing error messages to be raised. |
RStop.py | To perform a REMOTE reset for the process and raise an error message. |
Semiphore.py | To place lock to stop a second process starting at the same time. |
SendMail.py | To send a mail message using SMTP. |
Stop.py | To reset the processes. |
Timeout.py | To check if a process has timed out. |
Transport.py | To transport a file using FTP or simple copy. |
Unlock.py | Tool to remove the lock when debugging. |
Utillities.py | Utility functions. |
Version.py | To provide a version string for identification purposes. |
WebService.py | To call the various ‘entities’ in the Web Service. |
Zip.py | To zip up a directory or unzip a file to a directory. |
The following is the list of entities that can be run as standalone processes as part of a Run:
Entity | Description |
L1 | LOCAL entity One. |
L2 | LOCAL entity Two. |
L3 | LOCAL entity Three. |
R1 | REMOTE entity One. |
R2 | REMOTE entity Two. |
LStop | LOCAL Stop, Reset and E-mail. |
RStop | REMOTE Stop, Reset and E-mail. |
LReset | LOCAL Stop and Reset. |
RReset | REMOTE Stop and Reset. |
RepManager | Replication Manager. |
Unlock | To remove the lock. |