FTP Replicator Configuration

FTP Replicator Configuration

Python Configuration Files

There are a number of configuration settings with the system.  Each side (LOCAL and REMOTE) has a File list to check, which contains the set of files that are to be sent to the other side.  There are various configuration settings for things such as the FTP settings, SMTP settings for e-mailing and the URL for the Web Service.

Configuration Settings

The file FTPConfig.config holds the various settings that we support.

The name

This is a means to uniquely identify the process in question and distinguish it from other FTP Replication processes that exist.  This name will appear in any e-mails that are sent.

MyName=Installation name


Output setting

These are used to configure the logs.  There is a filename for the log, the information level that is required and a rollover size.

The OutLogLevel can be 1 (Debug), 2 (Information), 3 (Warnings), etc.  The RolloverSize gives the maximum size of any Log files.  We keep 10 previous logs in a rotating manner.



Communication Web Service URL

This is the URL path to the Web Service of the other location.

Url= http://localhost/Replication/Calls.asmx/


Communication mode settings

This is the settings for how the communication is being done and the timeout periods (in seconds) for the RepManager to sleep. InternalSleep indicates how long to sleep before the next call to get the process status at the REMOTE. ExternalSleep is used when the RepManager performs a series of Runs, this is the wait time between each run.



SMTP Mail settings

These settings are to allow e-mail to be sent in case of error.  If you wish to ignore SMTP or do not have it configured or installed, simply comment these out.  The system will still work, but just without being able to inform anyone.

SMTPTo=person@organisation.com, otherperson@otherorganisation.com
SMTPSubject=Replication Problem
SMTPBody=There is a problem with the Replication processes


FTP Settings

These settings are to indicate where to FTP and the identification to use.




This is the timeout period in minutes.  A time period after which, when the first ‘Entity’ to run finds that the previous Run is still running, it will attempt to send a warning e-mail.  This is used in case the Run failed fatally and no entity is currently running.

However is should be noted that this is a warning as speed of servers and size of transmission may mean that the system is still processing a Run.



Transport Settings

You can choose to FTP files or copy them to a holding area.  If the following are set the system will attempt to copy the transmission file to the indicated area rather than FTP it.

FTPRemoteCopy=C:\FTP Copy Dir
FTPLocalCopy=C:\FTP Copy Dir


PostgreSQL Settings

This section contains the settings to communicate with PostgreSQL.  You need to have the path to the ‘Bin’ directory where PostgreSQL keeps its executables.  You also need to indicate the Host, Database, Username and Password to connect to Postgres.  

Note the password is encrypted using a simple algorithm of adding 2 to the character value, e.g. ‘abc’ would be seen as ‘cde’.


TableLocal and TableRemote are used to indicate the table that holds the status information, and LocaleLocal and LocaleRemote are used in the transmission log table.  This allows for the possibility of more complex Replication setups on a single box.

PostgresPath=C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\bin
Database=FTP Replication


File lists to check

The names of the configuration files holding the file lists that are to be checked. See topic File Lists to Check for more details



Names of the transmission files

These are the names of the files that will be used in the transmission.




These are the settings used to provide a heartbeat message to indicate that the process is still working.  The lapse period is in hours, so that 168 would provide a heartbeat message every week.


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