Changing the Password for a User V1.5

  • Open Studio
  • Expand the Jobs node, right click on Unassigned tasks and select New Task.
  • Create a Workflow Stored Procedure Task and give it a Name e.g. Update SDW User password
  • Select the Spatial Data WarehouseConnection, Click on the Astun radio button and select the Functionat_wkf_executecmd.
  • Enter the following in the Edit parameter 'cmdtoexecute' box, replacing user and password with the name and password for the user whose password you wish to change. 


Change User Password
ALTER USER "user" WITH PASSWORD 'password';

  • Click the Run button  to run the task. You should see the dialog SPTask 'Update SDW User password' completed successfully. Click OK.
  • Click Save to save your new task details.