Configure Location Lookups

Configure Location Lookups

This is a guide on how to set up Location Searching linking to the various Gazetteer Management Systems [GMS] applications in existence.

If you wish to use AddressBase Premium or the NLPG for your Location Lookups then this data has its own Importers so please refer to one of the following topics for configuration:

You need to define a Data Share Connection to all the required TABLES for the relevant GMS database specifying the required Synchronisation Settings.

Please use one of the following links for a definition of the required Tables and SQL statements for your selected GMS.

Next create a Job to load the tables and build the data. Right click on Jobs and select New Job.

Enter a Name for the Job e.g. Build Addresses.

Now you need to add the Data Share Connections that you have just created so click on the green plus to display the list of Available Tasks and this will also include the [DataShare] entries.

Select each of the entries in turn to add them to the Job.

If you hold the Ctrl key whilst selecting you will be able to select multiple entries to add at the same time.

Next you need to create a Stored Procedure Task to build the data. Right click on the Build Addressees Job in the Workflow and select New Task and select the Stored Procedure radio button.

Enter a name for the Task e.g. Build from Symphony and select the correct stored procedure from the drop down list to match the GMS that you wish to connect to.

The list of stored procedures is dependent on your selection when you ran the AstunPGInstaller. From v6.0.0 these will all exist in the iShare database.

From v6.0.0

You will need to select the -Workflow- Function filter and then find the relevant stored procedure. The names have changed slightly i.e the at_ has been removed.

Shared Services Setup

In a shared service setup you may have two gazetteers that you wish to connect to. Instead of using at_wkf_build_from_symphony for instance you can use at_wkf_build_from_symphony_astype which will allow you to specify a parameter of the astunlookuptable e.g. ('myfirstcouncilgazetteer').

When this function is re-run it only deletes the contents of the astunlocationlookup table where type = the parameter's value - enabling you to re-run the task without losing content from the other gazetteer.

The structure you may have in a Job could be as follows:

  • Define the views (blpu pointing to first datasource blpu etc),
  • Run the first at_wkf_build_from_symphony_astype(set1),
  • Define new views (pointing to the second set of datasources),
  • Discard temp - to drop temporary tables
  • Run the second at_wkf_build_from_symphony _astype(set2)

Make sure that all Tasks, except for the first one, are Dependant on previous Job. You should end up with a Job similar to the screen shot on the right.

Next you need to schedule when to run the update. Simply select the Job in the tree and add a schedule.

For more information on how to schedule a job please refer to the Job Scheduler topic.

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