Configure iShare Maps/GIS to use custom OS Maps API WMTS & WMS base maps via ADS

Configure iShare Maps/GIS to use custom OS Maps API WMTS & WMS base maps via ADS

  1. From the zip folder grab the MapFile called base_osmapsapi.map and place it under E:\iShareData\LIVE\_MapServerConfig\ if it doesn’t already exist.

  2. From the zip folder MapSources V6 grab the custom OS Leisure MapSource called base_osmapsapi_leisure_wmts_ads.xml and place it under D:\Astun\iShareGIS\LIVE\WebApps\WebService\config\mapsources

  3. After placing the files into the correct destinations, open Studio and import the MapSource under the BaseMaps node:

    1. Right-click on the BaseMaps node and select Import MapSource



    2. Navigate to the directory in which you placed the OS Leisure MapSource, open it, and give it an appropriate name such as OS Leisure:

  4. After the import, you will notice that everything is prefilled for you. All you have to do is add your API key and your organisation's name in the correct places:

    1. Navigate to the Details node and examine the URI and the WMS URI fields. The URI field is pointing to the WMTS Astun Data Services endpoint https://map.services.astuntechnology.com/your-organisation-goes-here/osmaps/service?key=your-API-key-goes-here and the WMS URI is pointing to the WMS Astun Data Services endpoint https://map.services.astuntechnology.com/your-organisation-goes-here/osmaps/service?key=your-API-key-goes-here to enable the printing functionality. In those URIs, you will see three placeholders, two that say your-API-key-goes-here and one that says your-organization-goes-here. Replace those placeholders with your alpha-numeric OS Data Hub Project API Key and organisation name, and don't forget to save your changes. If you are unsure of your organisation name, please contact us via support.


  5. Add the base map to a MyMaps MapSource, save and test that the base map is displaying correctly:



  6. Follow the same procedure for the rest of the custom basemap MapSources:.

    1. base_osmapsapi_leisure_25k.xml

    2. base_osmapsapi_leisure_50k.xml

    3. base_osmapsapi_leisure_grayscale_wmts_ads.xml

    4. base_osmapsapi_leisure_wmts_ads.xml

    5. base_osmapsapi_light_grayscale_wmts_ads.xml

    6. base_osmapsapi_outdoor_grayscale_wmts_ads.xml

    7. base_osmapsapi_road_grayscale_wmts_ads.xml

Please note the below:

  • In the base_osmapsapi.map we have configured a file path for the MS_ERRORFILE parameter that is mostly common across installations. However, there is a possibility that you have a different file path configured for your MapServer logs. If you do please update the MS_ERRORFILE with the correct path

  • Leave the Tile Matrix Set > Matrices section unchanged.

  • The High DPI option should be disabled for all the base maps, except the OS Leisure 50k & 25k. Check out why here Astun Data Services - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Keep the Boundary Settings under Start up as is.

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