Configure iShare GIS to use new Feature Builder

Configure iShare GIS to use new Feature Builder

While we migrate our core base maps to use OS Maps API, we will do the same for Feature Builder. Feature Builder will be using the OS Features API.

To continue using Feature Builder you will need to add the OS Features API product to the Project How to create a Project and generate an API key in OS Data Hub you have already created for the base mapping in OS Data Hub and configure the API key in Studio.

Let's see how you need to do this:

  1. Open Studio, click the small arrow on the settings button, and select Settings:



  2. Navigate to the External Services tab and find the WPS section:



  3. Edit the value process/wps of the Web Processing Service field by adding your API key, like this process/wps/your-API-key-goes-here . Notice that you will need to add a backslash after the wps along with the key:



  4. Save your changes and confirm that Feature Builder is working as usual.


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