Civica - FastGazetteer (Innogistic)
These stored procedures have been deprecated from v6.0.0
With Innogistic sites running on SQL Server we have a 'proxy' type SQL Server database, normally called iShare, that references all the other SQL Server databases. This way if a customer needs to create custom views etc. they have one point of call.
The following details the database information required for using the Civica FastGazetteer as the source for your Astun Location Lookup. This information should be used in conjunction with the Configure Location Lookups topic.
Requires the Astun PG Installer applied to the Data Share database with the Location Search and Innogistic options selected.
Database view for BuildAddresses
Field | Description |
UPRN | Unique Property Reference Number |
USRN | Unique Street Reference Number |
EASTING | Coordinate |
NORTHING | Coordinate |
POSTCODE | Postcode |
SAON_START_NUM | Secondary Addressable Object Start Number |
SAON_START_SUFFIX | Secondary Addressable Object Start Suffix |
SAON_END_NUM | Secondary Addressable Object End Number |
SAON_END_SUFFIX | Secondary Addressable Object End Suffix |
SAON_TEXT | Secondary Addressable Object Text |
PAON_START_NUM | Primary Addressable Object Start Number |
PAON_START_SUFFIX | Primary Addressable Object Start Suffix |
PAON_END_NUM | Primary Addressable Object End Number |
PAON_END_SUFFIX | Primary Addressable Object End Suffix |
PAON_TEXT | Primary Addressable Object Text |
DESCRIPTION | Street text |
TOWN | Town |
LOC | Locality |
DISTRICT | County |
COUNTY | County |
SQL View in the iShare Database
Please note this presumes the proxy database is iShare and other databases are named such as [FastGazetteer5Live]
This should be a Data Share Data Source called vwAddresses_iShare
USE [iShare] GO /****** Object: View [dbo].[vwAddresses_iShare] Script Date: 10/28/2009 17:55:02 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vwAddresses_iShare] AS SELECT FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.LPI.Uprn AS UPRN, CAST(FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_StreetIdentifier.USRN AS VARCHAR) AS USRN, CAST(FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.BLPU.Xref AS VARCHAR) AS EASTING, CAST(FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.BLPU.YRef AS VARCHAR) AS NORTHING, UPPER(FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.LPI.Postcode) AS POSTCODE, CASE WHEN [FastGazetteer5Live].dbo.LPI.SAOStartNumber = 0 THEN NULL ELSE CAST(RTRIM(LTRIM([FastGazetteer5Live].dbo.LPI.SAOStartNumber)) AS VARCHAR) END AS SAON_START_NUM, LOWER(RTRIM(LTRIM(FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.LPI.SAOStartSuffix))) AS SAON_START_SUFFIX, CASE WHEN [FastGazetteer5Live].dbo.LPI.SAOEndNumber = 0 THEN NULL ELSE CAST(RTRIM(LTRIM([FastGazetteer5Live].dbo.LPI.SAOEndNumber)) AS VARCHAR) END AS SAON_END_NUM, LOWER(RTRIM(LTRIM(FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.LPI.SAOEndSuffix))) AS SAON_END_SUFFIX, RTRIM(LTRIM(FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.LPI.SAOPropertyName)) AS SAON_TEXT, CASE WHEN [FastGazetteer5Live].dbo.LPI.PAOStartNumber = 0 THEN NULL ELSE CAST(RTRIM(LTRIM([FastGazetteer5Live].dbo.LPI.PAOStartNumber)) AS VARCHAR) END AS PAON_START_NUM, LOWER(RTRIM(LTRIM(FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.LPI.PAOStartSuffix))) AS PAON_START_SUFFIX, CASE WHEN [FastGazetteer5Live].dbo.LPI.PAOEndNumber = 0 THEN NULL ELSE CAST(RTRIM(LTRIM([FastGazetteer5Live].dbo.LPI.PAOEndNumber)) AS VARCHAR) END AS PAON_END_NUM, LOWER(RTRIM(LTRIM(FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.LPI.PAOEndSuffix))) AS PAON_END_SUFFIX, RTRIM(LTRIM(FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.LPI.PAOPropertyName)) AS PAON_TEXT, CASE WHEN DBA_StreetRef.RefType = 1 THEN RTRIM(LTRIM([FastGazetteer5Live].dbo.DBA_StreetIdentifier.StreetDescriptor)) ELSE NULL END AS DESCRIPTION, FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.LPI.PostTown AS POSTTOWN, CASE WHEN [FastGazetteer5Live].dbo.DBA_TownIdentifier.TownName = [FastGazetteer5Live].dbo.LPI.PostTown THEN NULL ELSE RTRIM(LTRIM([FastGazetteer5Live].dbo.DBA_TownIdentifier.TownName)) END AS TOWN, CASE WHEN [FastGazetteer5Live].dbo.DBA_AreaIdentifier.AreaName NOT LIKE '(%' THEN RTRIM(LTRIM([FastGazetteer5Live].dbo.DBA_AreaIdentifier.AreaName)) ELSE NULL END AS LOC, NULL AS DISTRICT, NULL AS ORGANISATION, FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_Counties.CountyName AS COUNTY, FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.LPILogicalStatus.LogicalStatus AS LOGICALSTATUS FROM FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_Towns INNER JOIN FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_TownIdentifier ON FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_Towns.TownRef = FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_TownIdentifier.TownRef INNER JOIN FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_StreetIdentifier INNER JOIN FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_StreetRef ON FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_StreetIdentifier.USRN = FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_StreetRef.StreetRefID INNER JOIN FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.BLPU INNER JOIN FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.LPI ON FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.BLPU.UPRN = FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.LPI.Uprn INNER JOIN FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.LPILogicalStatus ON FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.LPI.Logical_status = FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.LPILogicalStatus.ID ON FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_StreetRef.StreetRefID = FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.LPI.Usrn INNER JOIN FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_Areas ON FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_StreetRef.AreaRef = FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_Areas.AreaRef INNER JOIN FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_AreaIdentifier ON FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_Areas.AreaRef = FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_AreaIdentifier.AreaRef ON FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_Towns.TownRef = FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_Areas.TownRef LEFT OUTER JOIN FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_Counties ON FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_Counties.CountyRef = FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.DBA_StreetRef.CountyRef WHERE (FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.BLPU.Logical_Status <= 6) AND (FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.LPI.Post_Addressable = 'y') AND (FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.LPI.Pao_Desc NOT LIKE 'street r%') AND (FastGAZETTEER5Live.dbo.LPI.Logical_status <= 6) GO
This will be called from the worklow procedure at_wkf_build_from_innogistic. which in turn calls a procedure called at_ls_buildfrom_innogistic to perform formatting of source data and it requires a iShare Data Source called vwAddresses_iShare.