Northgate - MVM
Prior to iShare v6.0.0 this requires the Astun PG Installer applied to the Data Share database with the Location Search and NorthgateMVM options selected.
Database table for BuildAddresses
Field | Description |
BLPU_UPRN | Unique Property Reference Number |
STREET_REFERENCE_NUMBER | Unique Street Reference Number |
EASTING | Coordinate |
NORTHING | Coordinate |
POSTCODE | Postcode |
PROPERTY_NUMBER | Secondary Addressable Object Start Number |
PROPERTY_SUFFIX | Secondary Addressable Object Start Suffix |
PROPERTY_NUMBER_1 | Secondary Addressable Object End Number |
PROPERTY_SUFFIX_1 | Secondary Addressable Object End Suffix |
SUB_BUILDING_NAME | Secondary Addressable Object Text |
DESIGNATED_PREMISE_NUMBER | Primary Addressable Object Start Number |
DESIGNATED_PREMISE_SUFFIX | Primary Addressable Object Start Suffix |
DESIGNATED_PREMISE_NUMBER_1 | Primary Addressable Object End Number |
DESIGNATED_PREMISE_SUFFIX_1 | Primary Addressable Object End Suffix |
DESIGNATED_PREMISE_NAME | Primary Addressable Object Text |
STREET_TEXT | Street text |
POSTTOWN | Post Town |
LEVEL4_NAME | Town |
LEVEL3_NAME | Locality |
Tables Used
This uses a single table PD_ADDRESSES which is imported into the iShare database as NorthgateLLPG.
Create a Workflow Stored Procedure Task to create AstunLocationLookup using the Workflow function at_wkf_build_from_northgatemvm (from v6.0.0 this is called wkf_build_from_northgate under the -Workflow- Function filter)
SQL Statements
Table | SQL Statement |