Layer Configuration

Layer Configuration

From v6.0.0

From iShare v6.0.0 Standard Layers can also be used in My House / My Nearest so it makes sense to convert any old Classic Layers to Standard Layers and Astun have created a Python script, which runs in a Python Virtual Environment, to help automate this process. Please see the topic Convert Classic Layers to Standard Layers for details.

Once you have created a Layer Group you need to define the Layers that you wish to include in the selected Layer Group. There are several different types of Layers that may be configured for use with iShare:

  • Standard Layers (recommended) - these are built on OGC Standards including WMS & WFS and have their own SLD Style Editor.
  • Classic Layers - these are MapServer Layers which need to first be added to the .MAP file using the MapServer Map Editor.
  • Virtual Layers - to be used with My House and My Alerts. You may simply wish to add a link to a specific website to your My House page e.g. NHS Services or configure a General Alert in My Alerts.
  • Thematic Layers - this type of layer has been deprecated from v5.6.0 as OGC Layers contain this functionality.

To Add a new Layer right click on the Layer Group icon  (or Virtual Layer Group) and select to Add Layer, Add Classic Layer or Add Virtual Layer respectively.

Prior to v5.6.0

To Add a new Layer right click on the Layer Group icon  (or Virtual Layer Group) and select to Add Layer, Add OGC Layer or Add Virtual Layer respectively.

To View or Edit the details of an existing Layer click on the entry in the Explorer tree.

To Remove a Layer right click on the Layer in the tree and select Delete Layer from the Context menu. Also from the Context menu you may move a Layer Up or Down the tree, alternatively you can use Ctrl+U or Ctrl+D to move Up and Down respectively.

Copy Layers

From Version 5.6.2 - You will have the option to Copy Layer and Paste Layer from the Context menu. This will allow you to Copy a Layer from one Map Source and Paste it into another as well as pasting it back into the same Map Source.

This does not apply to Classic Layers.

  • Right-click on Layer and select Copy Layer
  • Right-click on a Layer Group in either the same or another Map Source and select Paste Layer
  • If a Layer already exists with the same layer name, then the new layer will automatically be renamed
  • Change the Display name to suit

Standard versus Classic Layers


Standard Layer (OGC)

Classic Layer



Studio SLD Style Editor

Studio MapServer Map Editor

Styling via the SLD Style Editor is more limited, but uses a graphical interface.


PostGres layers only

PostGres, Shapefile etc.

If you need to display shapefiles or .TAB files directly in iShare, you'll need to use a Classic layer. We would however encourage people to manage and hold their data in the iShare database so Standard Layers can be used.



Yes (pre v5.6.0 only)

Styling can be edited in iShare GIS with Classic Thematic layers.

Editing in iShare GIS



Classic Layers cannot be edited in iShare GIS.
Styling based on expressionsYesNoFor Standard Layers the SLD needs to be manually edited or created externally i.e. in QGIS, and Imported into Studio.

Administrator filtering



Restrict the features that appear in a Layer.
User filtering in iShare GISYesNoAllows end user to filter display based on attribute values.
My HouseYes (from v6.0.0)YesStandard Layers cannot be used with My House / My Nearest prior to iShare v6.0.0..
Local Info RequestsYesYesLocalInfo requests can query from both Classic layers and OGC layers

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