Customising Thematic Layers
iShare GIS users can modify the thematic maps made available to them as follows:
- Method (e.g. Equal Ranges, Equal Count)
- Number of Ranges
- Start colour
- End Colour
- Fill opacity
- Border opacity
If you click on the Actions button
beside the Thematic Layer you wish to customise you will see the various actions that can be performed against the selected layer e.g. . If you click on the right hand icon "Customise this layer" this will display the customise popup e.g.Method
Here you can select one of three methods Equal Count, Equal Range or Standard Deviation.
Num of ranges
Changing this will alter the number of different ranges for the layer. Select the number you require using the up and down arrows.
Starting & Ending Color
You can either click on one of the pre-defined colours or click on the right hand box showing the current colour selection to display the pallet e.g.
Now you can either click on a colour or enter the hex value for the colour you require.
Fill opacity
Use the slider to decide the fill opacity for your thematic ranges.
Stroke opacity
Again you use the slider to change the stroke opacity - this is the border opacity for the areas.
If you click Reset this will set the thematic options back to their original values
Click OK to apply your changes or Cancel to return without updating.