Cookies used by iShare GIS

Cookies used by iShare GIS

From v5.8.14

iShare now uses Local Storage rather than Cookies to store user state information e.g. layers selected, position on map) etc. This should have no visible effects to the user other than that they should no longer hit problems when using large numbers of layers.

Note: Currently there is no expiry date on localStorage settings as there is for cookies.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are text files retained on computers by browsers containing various information in regards to a specific website visit. Another way to think of this is that a cookie is a message given to a web browser from a web server that is then sent back to the web server whenever the browser requests a page from it. 

Please note that there is a Browser imposed cookie restriction on the number and size of cookies e.g. IE 50 cookies max, 5117 characters per cookie. If this is exceeded then an error message will be displayed. The way to avoid this message is to reduce the number of Layers that are being displayed and/or reduce the number of characters used within your Layer names.

The following is a list of cookies used by iShare GIS for each installation.

You should be able to see all of the Astun related cookies when using browser developer tools and viewing the application.

NameTypical ContentExpires
ASP.NET_SessionIdRandom string identifying browsing session to serverWhen user exits browser
astun:atAnnotationActiveLayerIdentifier for most recently selected Annotation LayerAfter one month
astun:baseMapIdentifier for most recently selected Base mapAfter one month
astun:currentLocationMost recently set address and its coordinatesAfter one month
astun:layerPanelOpenGroupsIdentifier for the expanded Layer Groups in Map CategoriesAfter one month
astun:lyrs_int_[profile_identifier]Identifier for the default Layers e.g. those set to "Visible on Startup" for the given ProfileAfter one month
astun:mapSourceIdentifier for most recently selected Profile (Map Source)After one month
astun:mapViewLocation and extents of the most recent view of the mapAfter one month
astun:rLayers_[profile_identifier]The list of layers currently added to the Map Categories panel for the given ProfileAfter one month
astun:showLayersAfterSelectiontrueAfter one month
astun:vLyrs_int_[profile_identifier]Layers turned on for the given ProfileAfter one month

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