My Alerts Administrator Module

My Alerts Administrator Module

The My Alerts Administrator module of the iShare Studio is an optional module to administer the My Alerts user-base.

This module makes it possible for an Administrator to perform such tasks as removing users, resetting passwords and changing other details with relative ease – unlike manually editing inside the PostgreSQL database which can lead to errors – such as workflow problems and data/table corruption – which costs expensive consultancy time to fix.

My Alerts Administrator is designed to be used by nominated System Administrators only. For this reason, Studio presents a login panel when this module is selected and requires you to log in.

Before you can see the My Alerts node in Studio you will first need to:

  • Create your My Alerts database - This can be created using the AstunPGInstaller which may be found in the following folder e.g. D:\Astun\ishare\n.n\AstunPGInstaller. Enter the details of your Data Share database and click the My Alerts... button. 
  • Configure My Alerts.

These tasks would normally be performed by your Astun Consultant.

When you click on My Alerts node in the tree you will be prompted with a Sign In dialog.

As part of your My Alerts installation your Astun consultant will configure at least one My Alerts administrator account. This account may then be used to create other users and allow them administrator privileges.

Upon a successful login you will be allowed access to the all the functions within this module until the iShare Studio is closed.

For this reason, ALWAYS ensure that you close the Studio when you have finished administering your My Alerts user accounts to prevent unauthorised access.

For details on the My Alerts Configuration section please see My Alerts Configuration Settings.

Upon successful login, you will be presented with a set of statistics for the My Alerts database.

Here you can see some basic statistics for your My Alerts users.

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