How to create a Project and generate an API key in OS Data Hub

How to create a Project and generate an API key in OS Data Hub

  1. Connect to your OS Datahub account https://osdatahub.os.uk/



  2. Select the API Dashboard from the Navigation Menu or click on the Open API dashboard button available on the landing page:



  3. From your API Dashboard select My projects and then click on the Create a new project button:


  4. Give your project a meaningful and clear name and click on Create project. It is possible for you to have many projects that can be controlled separately, we are proposing creating a project purely for Astun Data Services:

  5. Once you have created your project you will see the option Add API or Add an API to this project (1st screenshot), click on one of those buttons and search for the API product name you want to add to your project (2nd screenshot):


  6. After you find the API product you want to use, click Add to project. The button will change to Added to project, as shown below:


  7. After adding the API to the project you will see that a Project API Key has been generated for you as well as WMTS and ZXY Endpoints. Take note of the Project API Key as this is required when configuring iShare and other systems.


  8. After adding your first API product to the project follow the same steps to add the OS Features API product. This is required for iShare GIS Feature Builder. Your screen will display your OS Features API Endpoint address:

    Remember that the API key will remain the same for all the API products you will add under the same project.


  1. Don’t worry if you need to regenerate the API key or delete the project you created. You can do this by clicking the Actions button in the top right:

If you choose the Regenerate API key option a new API key will be created, you will need to update all configuration to use the new API key.

Please note that if you regenerate the key or delete the project, the base maps will stop working until you create a new project and update the configuration with the newly generated key.

Please note that we are going into detail on how to configure the WMTS endpoint in iShare and how to use the generated API key to get access to the base maps via Astun Data Services and Feature Builder in separate guides :

Configuring iShare v6 to use OS Maps API base map services

Configuring iShare v5.8 to use the new base mapping services



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