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Astun Data Services - ADS
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Help Index
Astun Technology Support Portal
Configure Location Searching
Developer Reference
Glossary and Acronyms
iShare Plugins
How-To Articles
Display BaseMaps served via ADS on a Leaflet Map
Deal with incorrect ADS Road Names and Labelling
Add a Favicon to iShare GIS
Add a language toggle link
Add a simple URL
Add a Vertical Scroll bar to iShare GIS Profiles
Add Google Analytics to iShare Maps
Add UPRN based information
Allow links on my MyHouse or MyNearest pages to open in new browser tab
Allow the use of ADS Base Maps served by HTTPS
Alter the Mini Map displayed in My House
Analyse Logs using MS Log Parser
Apply & Store Styling for an OS MasterMap Topography Layer
Backup iShare Installation & Configuration
Be Tolerant
Change Annotation Layer Ownership
Change NHS Choices links to HTTPS
Change the "Distance" and "away" language/text for MyHouse and MyNearest
Change the ADS Blank BaseMap colour
Change the default "Search for a Location" text
Change the iShare Maps tab text
Change Workflow or My Alerts Notification Sender Email
Clean up data from Remote services
Configuring a WMTS Basemap
Configure a My House Polygon in Polygon Search
Configure a trusted endpoint in ADFS v2.0+
Configure iShare GIS for multi-domain authentication
Configure iShare GIS Security using AD FS
Configure MapServer Cartography
Configure My Alerts with multiple Workspaces
Convert a PostgreSQL column from text to numeric
Convert Classic Layers to Standard Layers
Convert Rasters for Map Serving
Correct Environment Agency WFS mapping flipped on x, y axis
Create a Dynamic Tilecache
Create a Find Nearest Point Layer
Create a Google StreetView layer
Creating a My Ward page
Customise Feature Highlighting in iShare GIS
Debug My House
Display a popup information box on iShare GIS
Display Distance in Kilometres and Miles
Download ESRI FeatureServer to GeoJSON
Enable AD FS v2 for iShare GIS
Enable GeoJSON output format in MapServer to be used in an OpenLayers client
Export data from Access to Postgres using Data Share
Export Non-spatial CSV files
Export your Annotation Layers
Extract email addresses from the My Alerts database
Extract Non-System Functions from the iShare Database
Find IIS Log files
Find the Projection of a Shape file
Find which schemas/tables are taking up excessive disk space
Fix issue with SDW running slow or unable to open tables
Fix missing Layers if using an alternative name for your geometry column
Generate Advanced Reports using LogParser
Hide "Show on map" links on my MyHouse or MyNearest pages
Highlight a Feature in a Layer
How and When to use Views
Import Data from an MS SQL Server database
Import Features from an ESRI REST service via iShare Workflow
Import Layers with different Projections
Import MapInfo styles into PostgreSQL
Integrate iShare GIS with ADFS
Join attribute data in QGIS
Link to a File from iShare GIS Information Browser
Link to iShare from your home page
Link to Legacy NHS Choices Layers
Load data into PostgreSQL from QGIS
Load large CSV dataset into PostgreSQL
Load MapInfo Seamless tables in QGIS
Load Polygon & Multi Polygon data using Workflow
Lock the Zoom level on a Lite map
Mosaic thousands of raster images
Open all iShare links in a new window
Overcome issues with importing Column Names which are Reserved words
Reduce Shapefile Geometries Precision to a level PostgreSQL supports
Remove MapServer / PostgreSQL & iShare temporary files with Studio Workflow
Remove SLD files over a certain size
Replace "&" with "and" in your data
Report iShare issues to Support
Request ADFS Groups to administer Roles in iSiC
Retrieve the Coordinates of a Feature in WGS84 via both LocalInfo and a Virtual Layer in My House
Return a list of Windows Scheduled Tasks
Roll Back My Alerts
Run a Powershell Script using Studio Workflow
Run iShare under HTTPS