Add a Vertical Scroll bar to iShare GIS Profiles

Add a Vertical Scroll bar to iShare GIS Profiles


If you have a large number of Profiles you may not be able to see them all as the Profile panel is not configured to automatically scroll. It is, however, very simple to add a vertical scroll bar.

Step-by-step guide

  • Open your iShareGIS.aspx page (you may have called this something different) in a Text Editor such as Notepad++ (this should reside in your D:\Astun\iShareGIS\n.n\WebApps\Web folder)

  • Scroll down until you find the following section:

  • Add the following information after the } and before the </style>


  • Save your changes

  • Now when you click on the Profiles button in iShare GIS you should see the vertical scroll bar e.g.

To do the same for Base Maps use:

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