Switching Profiles

Switching Profiles

A Profile is basically a Map Source which contains a specific set of base maps and map layers. You could create different Profiles for particular groups of users. You can also limit access to a Profile (or Map Source) by applying Roles. Once you have applied a Role to a Map Source then, only users who are a member of that role will be able to view or edit layers within that Map Source. See Applying Roles to Map Sources.

If you find that you have so many Profiles that you cannot see them all, as the Profile panel is not configured to automatically scroll. it is simple to add a vertical scroll bar. See Add a Vertical Scroll bar to iShare GIS Profiles for details.

The Profiles button enables a user to switch between different Map Sources. To change the current Profile click the Profiles button and select the required option from the list. The currently selected profile will be in black as the Maps in the screenshot below. Other available profiles are shown in blue.


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