Getting Started with Metadata with Astun Technology

Getting Started with Metadata with Astun Technology

Are you interested in metadata but don't know where to start? You've purchased an Astun Technology Metadata solution and want to know the next steps?

First, read our Common Customer FAQs on INSPIRE & Enterprise Metadata to help you understand the terminology and what it's all about.

Then, whether you've purchased, or are interested in, public metadata (aka INSPIRE) or private metadata (aka Enterprise), the next stage is to discuss with an Astun Consultant whether you have existing metadata that you'd like to import into the Astun solution, or if you'd like to start from scratch. For our Enterprise customers, we have some automated options for populating your metadata catalogue and keeping it up to date.

If you have existing metadata, we'll import it into the catalogue in the new Gemini 2.3 metadata standard, and help with any validation issues that might occur. For INSPIRE metadata, we'll help you harvest it to data.gov.uk. For Enterprise, we'll show you how to restrict access to just your council. Enterprise customers also get support for non-spatial metadata.

To help with the process we have provided the following documentation:


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