Police Downloader
The Police Downloader allows you to retrieve information about neighbourhood areas in all 43 English & Welsh police forces. All forces are required to keep this data accurate and up to date. Astun Data Services [ADS] provide a Police Downloader in the form of a WFS connection for you to download this information.
- WFS connections configured in Studio contypes.xml
- GDAL 1.8 or above (iShare 4.4 and above)
- Full access to the URL http://syn.ads.astuntechnology.com/police/crimes/wfs
What data is provided
The data provided comes from the Police API (https://data.police.uk/docs/ and https://data.police.uk/ ) and Astun take no responsibility for the accuracy of the source data. The layers available equate to the API methods or data outlined below, with some minimal post-processing where required to add geospatial data where this is not already included.
Layer Name | Origin | Brief Description |
neighbourhood_events | Details and contacts for police-related events in the neighbourhood | |
neighbourhood_teams | Names and bios for all police team members in the neighbourhood | |
neighbourhood_centroids | Latitude/Longitude of neighbourhood boundary centroid | |
neighbourhood_locations | Address details for each neighbourhood | |
neighbourhood_crimes | Neighbourhood level crime data | |
neighbourhood_boundaries | Neighbourhood boundaries | |
street_outcomes | Street-level crime outcomes | |
street_crimes | Street-level crime | |
streetcrime_crosstab | Post-processed from street_crimes |
Example My Maps
Example My House
Configuring iShare for Police Downloader in Studio
The following steps outline how you can download the Police data and keep it up-to-date. First you need to open iShare Studio then you can perform the following steps:
- Create a Workflow Connection to the WFS feed provided by the Astun Data Services (ADS)
- Create a Job to Refresh the Police data
- Update the .MAP file to include these new Police layers
- Configure the Police Layers for display in iShare