Modern.gov [RSS]

Modern.gov [RSS]

System CategoryDemocracy

Syndicated by client website

Available since


Councils can extract their Modern.Gov information via an RSS feed and can easily configure their My House page to include Councillor & MP information based on the current Ward boundaries. e.g.


You will need to have the following information from OS Boundary-Line:

  • for Councillors the Electoral Divisions e.g. boundaryline.county_electoral_division
  • for MPs the Westminster Constituencies e.g. boundaryline.westminster_const

Ask Astun Technology for details if required.

It appears that modern.gov have amended their URL to use TLS1.2 which is not supported by .NET 3.5. This means that Studio cannot access the URL to download the data. This will be resolved in iShare V5.10.0 which is being updated to use .NET 4.7.2. There is, however, a workaround using curl - see Download Modern.gov using curl.

Configuration Steps

The following steps describe how to configure iShare to link to the Modern.gov RSS feed.

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