Required Studio Settings for LocalInfo Request

Before implementing the LocalInfo Data Request function there are a couple of Studio Settings that need to be configured.

You are able to retrieve the information in two ways, as an RSS feed which is ideal for server-side communications and as JSON which is highly suited to AJAX calls from JavaScript.

General Settings - Web Service

The RSSXSL entry needs to be configured for the WebService.

The value can be one of the following:

  • atLocalInfo.xsl #1 for RSS raw XML output - ideal for server-side communications (also includes embedded HTML option if required.)
  • atLocalInfoJSON.xsl #1 for JSON output - highly suited to AJAX calls from JavaScript
  • atLocalInfoJSONP.xsl#1 for JSONP output - highly suited to AJAX cross domain calls from JavaScript

#1 For older versions of iShare you may need to request this xsl from your Astun Consultant.

You can only choose one type of output for the LocalInfo Data Request, but this may be overridden using the format parameter when making your getdata request. See the topic Complete Data Source Request for details.

General Settings - Web

Here you need to configure the Interactive MapPage setting which is highlighted in the screenshot. You also need to make sure that you have a valid MapSource entry [directly below the MapPage entry] as this is blank by default.