Override Configuration & MapSource Settings

Override Configuration & MapSource Settings

For each Workspace it may be necessary to override certain configuration settings. This is done in the iShareMaps.xml file which may be found in the \webapps\webservice\config folder.

  • First you need to add a <Language> node for all of the Language files that you wish to use in your iShare installation and this is done under the <Languages> node. E.g.




LanguageDefinition = the name of your Language xml file without the .xml extension.

DisplayName = the entry that is used as the lang entry in the <Workspace> node as described in point 2 below. It is also the Language  entry in the Languages Editor.

Below the language block you need to add a <Workspace> node for each Site / Workspace. This Workspace node is used to override the chosen single Configuration Settings and MapSources for a particular Workspace and must contain a name and a langsetting.


   <Workspace name="SiteA" lang="Cymraeg">
<Workspace name="SiteB" lang="Default">


name = the name for your Workspace and is compulsory. This must match the name of the workspace application pool without the ws prefix.

lang = the DisplayName [from the <Language> node in point 1] for the language that you wish to associate with the workspace. As the lang entry is compulsory please enter "Default" if you wish a workspace to use the default language.

In the example above we have added one for "SiteAusing language "Cymraegand "SiteBwith "Default".

Configuration Settings

The ConfigurationDefinition settings can be used to override any of the settings used by iShare. In the example above, the CookieHostWelcome Page and Web URL have been overridden.

MapSource Settings

You also need to have your MyHouseMapSources (which includes My Nearest MapSources) and/or MyMapsMapSources nodes to identify the MapSources to be used with each Workspace. See above code example for details.

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