Data Share Configuration

Data Share Configuration

Creating a new Configuration file

If you wish to create a new configuration file (Datasources.xml) then make sure that you have saved your current file by selecting Save from the File menu or clicking on the Save icon on the toolbar.

Now you make select New config from the File menu. You will be prompted to save your current configuration.

The Data Link Properties dialog will be displayed for you to enter the details of your new iShare PostgreSQL database information. Please refer to the topic on Configure Data Share Settings for more information on this dialog.

When you click on OK you will be asked if you wish to create a new data source now. If you click Yes you will be prompted to Create a New Data Share DataSource. Please refer to the topic on Adding a new Data Source for more information on this dialog.

Loading an existing Configuration file

If you wish to load a previously saved configuration file (Datasources.xml) then make sure that you have saved your current file by selecting Save from the File menu or clicking on the Save icon on the toolbar.

Now you make select Load config... from the File menu. You will be prompted with the Open dialog to select your previously saved configuration file.

Configure iShare to point to the Data Share database

If you have changed the name of your Datasources.xml file then you will need to change the following entry to reflect this change.

<add key=”iShareDataConfig” value=”iShareDataRoot.xml” />

This xml file should reside in the config folder for iShare.


You need to configure at least one <Config> entry to point to your Data Share datasource.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 

This entry must contain the name of the .xml file, without the extension .xml and must reside in the config folder for iShare e.g. SouthTyneside/DataShare_STC.xml

You need to have a <Config> entry for each Data Share datasource. 

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