Data Share Synchronisation

Data Share Synchronisation


If you wish to manually synchronise a Datasource you may do this by selecting the Datasource that you wish to synchronise and selecting Synchronise from the context menu. You may also synchronise all the defined Datasources by right clicking on the Data Share Connections node and selecting Synchronise from the context menu.

Via a Scheduled Workflow Job

Data Share datasource may be synchronised by creating a Workflow Job and then scheduling the job to run at a particular time.

To do this you will need to add a Job entry. Right click on the Jobs entry under the Workflow node in the tree in Studio and select New Job.

Job Name

Enter a unique name for your job e.g. Synchronise Data Share Connections

  • Now click on the  icon which will show you a list of Available Tasks and Data Share connections [in brown].  Select the Data Share connection(s) that you wish to synchronise - you may select multiple entries to add at one time by holding down the Ctrl key whilst making your selection.
  • Next you need to schedule when to run the update. Simply select the Job in the tree and add a schedule. For more information on how to schedule a job please refer to the Job Scheduler topic.

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