Update .MAP file for Councillor & MP Layers
Update .MAP file for Councillor & MP Layers
You will need to add a LAYER entry into the .MAP file for both Councillors and MPs.
You may copy the following Snippets into your .map file using the Map Editor and edit as required.
Description | Snippet | Thumb |
Councillors | LAYER NAME "county_councillors" STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON INCLUDE "datashare.inc" DATA "wkb_geometry from (select *, full_html As full_html_raw from moderngov_spatial) as foo using unique ogc_fid using srid=27700" TOLERANCEUNITS METERS CLASS NAME "" STYLE SYMBOL "hatch" COLOR 64 0 64 SIZE 10 ANGLE 135 END STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 0 64 128 WIDTH 2 END END END | |
MPs | LAYER NAME "mps" STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON INCLUDE "datashare.inc" DATA "wkb_geometry from (select *, full_html As full_html_raw from moderngov_mps_spatial) as foo using unique ogc_fid using srid=27700" TOLERANCEUNITS METERS CLASS NAME "" STYLE SYMBOL "rectangled" COLOR 255 0 128 SIZE 20 ANGLE 45 OPACITY 50 END STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 128 WIDTH 2 END END END |