Merging the Asset Data
Merging the Asset Data
In order to create the BRIG dataset we need to run the following command to create a view on the Insight database. This is a one off process which could be done using the SQL editor in PGAdmin III.
Create BRIG View
DROP VIEW "BRIG"; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "BRIG" AS SELECT national_street_gazetteer.symlink, buffer(national_street_gazetteer.geometry,1), (national_street_gazetteer.address::text || ', '::text) || national_street_gazetteer.town::text AS DESC, 'nsg' AS asset_type, 1 AS sort_order FROM national_street_gazetteer UNION ALL SELECT bridges.symlink::character varying AS symlink, buffer(bridges.geometry,2), bridges."location" AS DESC, 'bridges' AS asset_type, 0 AS sort_order FROM bridges ORDER BY sort_order; ALTER TABLE "BRIG" OWNER TO "Insight"; DELETE FROM geometry_columns WHERE f_table_name LIKE 'BRIG'; INSERT INTO geometry_columns SELECT '','public', 'BRIG', 'geometry',2, 27700, 'GEOMETRY';
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