Create Task to create Police Team information

Create Task to create Police Team information

For police teams the neighbourhood_teams (point) dataset must be joined to the neighbourhood_boundaries (polygon) dataset before you can use the data.

This is done via a Stored Procedure Task. In the tree, right click on the Refresh Police Data Job and select New Task.

Select the Stored Procedure type and click OK.

Task Details

Enter the following:

Task Name

Enter a Name for the task e.g. Join Teams and Boundaries


Select the Data Share database from the list.

Stored Procedure

First select the Workflow radio button as this will limit the list of available stored procedures and then select the at_wkf_executecmd entry from the list (from v6.0.0 this is called wkf_executecmd under the -Workflow- Function filter).


Click on Parameter 1. cmdtoexecute and enter the following:

drop table if exists police_neighb_teams;
Create table police_neighb_teams as
select a.ogc_fid, a.name, a.rank, a.id, b.name as neighbourhood, b.forcename, b.wkb_geometry from neighbourhood_teams a, neighbourhood_boundaries b where st_within(a.qkb_geometry, b.wkb_geometry);

Now click the Run button  to run the Task to create the police_neighb_teams table.