Request ADFS Groups to administer Roles in iSiC
Request ADFS Groups to administer Roles in iSiC
iShare GIS in the Cloud (iSiC) may be used to display information that is sensitive or requires filtering from general use; for example: locations of domestic abuse crimes must not be widely available, detailed planning applications should only be available to those in the planning department. In order to ensure that only the correct people can view information iShare has the concept of Roles. iShare Roles are associated with an ADFS Group and are configured via the Roles Editor in Studio and then assigned to MapSources & Layers as required.
If you are using iShare GIS in the Cloud then, before you can define iShare Roles, you will first need to request that Astun create matching ADFS Groups on the Astun hosted server.
Step-by-step guide
- First create the ADFS Group(s) your require internally.
- Then raise a Support Ticket requesting the configuration of a ADFS Group(s) on the Astun hosted server. You will need to provide the exact ADFS Group(s) that you created internally in order that Astun can mirror these on the hosted server.
- Astun will create the ADFS Group(s) on the hosted server and notify you, via the Support TIcket, when this has been done.
- You can then apply these to individual iShare Roles, using the Roles Editor in Studio, for use with iShare GIS in the Cloud.
- Once your iShare Roles have been created, these can then be applied to individual Map Sources and Map Layers.