Import Layers with different Projections

Import Layers with different Projections

iShare requires it's maps to be in British National Grid but you may have files created with a different co-ordinate system such as Lat/Long. If you are unsure of the projection of your file then please see Find the Projection of a Shape file for details.

Using a Workflow Spatial Data Transformation in Studio it is possible to convert your Layer to British National Grid (EPSG:27700).

  • Open Studio.
  • Expand the Workflow node
  • Expand the Jobs node and right click on Unassigned Tasks node and select New Task.
  • Pick Spatial Data Transformation from the list and click OK.
  • Enter a unique Name for your Task.
  • Select your Source Data and Output. In our example screenshot below our input is a Shape file and we are outputting to the Data Share database.
  • Under the Options UNTICK Projection as British National Grid
  • Tick Expert mode
  • Now in the Additional Parameters box add the following:
-s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs EPSG:27700

where EPSG:4326 is Lat/Long and EPSG:27700 is British National Grid.

You can either just click the Play button  to convert your data or click Save and either run manually or add this to a Workflow Job.

You should see a successful message when you run the task e.g.

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