Update .MAP file for NHS Choices Classic Layers
Update .MAP file for NHS Choices Classic Layers
For each NHS Choices layer you wish to display you will need to add a LAYER entry into the .MAP file.
You may copy the following Snippets into your .MAP file using the Map Editor in Studio.
NHS Choices
Description | Snippet | Thumb |
Dentists | LAYER NAME nhsdentists STATUS OFF TYPE POINT INCLUDE "datashare.inc" DATA "wkb_geometry from (select * from nhschoices.dentists) as foo using unique ogc_fid using srid=27700" TOLERANCEUNITS METERS CLASS NAME "supplied by nhs choices" STYLE SYMBOL "dentists" END END END | |
Doctors | LAYER NAME nhsdoctors STATUS OFF TYPE POINT INCLUDE "datashare.inc" DATA "wkb_geometry from (select * from nhschoices.doctors) as foo using unique ogc_fid using srid=27700" TOLERANCEUNITS METERS CLASS NAME "supplied by nhs choices" STYLE SYMBOL "doctors" END END END | |
Hospitals | LAYER NAME nhshospitals STATUS OFF TYPE POINT INCLUDE "datashare.inc" DATA "wkb_geometry from (select * from nhschoices.hospitals) as foo using unique ogc_fid using srid=27700" TOLERANCEUNITS METERS CLASS NAME "supplied by nhs choices" STYLE SYMBOL "hospitals" END END END | |
Opticians | LAYER NAME nhsopticians STATUS OFF TYPE POINT INCLUDE "datashare.inc" DATA "wkb_geometry from (select * from nhschoices.opticians) as foo using unique ogc_fid using srid=27700" TOLERANCEUNITS METERS CLASS NAME "supplied by nhs choices" STYLE SYMBOL "opticians" END END END | |
Pharmacies | LAYER NAME nhspharmacies STATUS OFF TYPE POINT INCLUDE "datashare.inc" DATA "wkb_geometry from (select * from nhschoices.pharmacies) as foo using unique ogc_fid using srid=27700" TOLERANCEUNITS METERS CLASS NAME "supplied by nhs choices" STYLE SYMBOL "pharmacies" END END END |