Steps to enable Roles Editor in Studio

Steps to enable Roles Editor in Studio

Before you can start to use the Roles Editor in Studio, or even see the node, you will need to perform the following steps:

Step 1 - Create the iShareAdmin Group

Access to the Roles Editor is managed by the membership and existence of a local group which is called iShareAdmin. The use cases are defined in the following table:


iShareAdmin group does not exist

Unrestricted access to studio, roles functionality disabled

iShareAdmin group exists, user is a member

User can access the Roles Editor functionality enabled

iShareAdmin group exists, user is not a member

User is denied access to studio


Please see topic Managing Windows Groups for details on how to create the iShareAdmin group. You will need to be a member of this iShareAdmin group in order to manage the iShare Roles.

Step 2 - Create iShare Windows Groups

You now need to create the Windows Group(s) that you wish to link to your iShare Role(s). These groups need to contain the users you wish to have access to each of the Map Sources.

Please see topic Managing Windows Groups for details on how to create the Windows Groups that you wish to use with iShare.

Step 3 - Enable the Roles Editor in Studio

In order for the Roles Editor to display in iShare Studio, as well as being a member of the iShareAdmin group, the following keys need to be added to <modules> section in the Astun.iShareMaps.Studio.Shell.exe.config:-

The number after the m in each key needs to follow on from the previous group.

      <add key="m4path" value="Astun.Roles.Editor.dll" />
      <add key="m4type" value="Astun.Roles.Editor.RolesEditor" />
      <add key="m4name" value="Roles Editor" />

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