Sharing Annotation Layers

Sharing Annotation Layers

Once a user has created an annotation layer they will be added to the list of users available to access other annotation layers. Granting permission to annotation layers is done via the properties for the layer. The Properties for an Annotation layer are displayed when you click on the Properties icon  in the Actions menu .

Under the User sharing towards the bottom of the Properties you can select the users with whom you wish to share your annotation layer.

You can choose if you just want users to be able to view (Read) the layer or if you wish them to be able to edit (Write) the layer as well.

From v5.4.8 you will be able to Filter the list of users e.g.

In order for a user to appear in the list they must have first created an Annotation Layer themselves. 

To give all the users in the list permission to Read or Write you can click in the the box beside the words Read and Write as shown in the screenshot -->

If you only wish to give selected users permission then tick the box beside the individual users.

You will not be able to tick the Write box unless you have first ticked the Read box.

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