iShare General Settings

iShare General Settings

To edit the General Settings for iShare click on the Settings  in Studio using and select the General Settings tab.


Value example



Use Type 1


If UseType1 is set to true, then a standard tsearch (optimised text search) is performed. The default, if all of these are set to false is UseType1. If nothing is found for type 1, type 2 and/or 3 will be performed if they are set.

Use Type 2


Setting UseType2 will result in a metaphone search being performed on each individual word entered in the search box if nothing is found in the tsearch

Use Type 3


Setting UseType3 will result in a metaphone search being performed on all words entered in the search box (if nothing is found in metaphone individual).


Map File Definitiion Filename


Location of the mapfile.definition file which the editor uses to understand how a .map file is built

Scintilla Definition Path


Directory of the definitions for the Map Editor which are used to colour the code

Snippet Definition Path


Directory that the snippets are stored in for the Map Editor

SLD Style Editor

Scintilla Definition Path


Directory of the definitions which are used to colour the code in the SLD Style Editor

Snippet Definition Path


Directory that the snippets are stored in for the SLD Style Editor 




Shows additional internal information in Studio that may be of use to Astun support staff

Sync GUID When Saving


Ensures ID references in MyAlerts database are up-to-date, should only be changed as directed by Astun support staff


Cookie expiry (days) 0

From Versions 5.4.22 & 5.6.26 - Sets the number of days before a cookie expires in My House / My Nearest / My Maps.

= Session Cookie, 1 or > = number of days to keep.

Cookie Host


Sets the domain for cookies in iShare GIS and My House. Should normally be left blank.

Default Print Template


Specifies the default Print template to be used if none selected. If no default is entered then iShare will use the first one it finds in the web/print folder.

Find Nearest Distances

500~500 metres|1609~1 mile|3218~2 miles|8047~5 miles|16094~10 miles

Sets the distances available for Find Nearest searches in maps, separated by | character, format is: (distance in metres)~(displayed text for distance)

Find Nearest Results

2~Two results|5~Five results|10~Ten results|25~Twenty five results|50~Fifty results

Sets number of results available for Find Nearest searches in maps, separated by | character, format is: (number of results)~(displayed text for number)

Info click movement ignore1From v5.6.28 - The number of pixels of movement allowed when clicking before Info-clicks are disabled. This is primarily used for mobile devices and too low a value can make it very difficult to perform info-clicks. (Prior to v5.8.8. this setting was on the Master Settings.)
Map DPI72From v5.8.6 - Resolution used by iShare Maps for requesting map images. (Prior to v5.8.8. this setting was on the Master Settings.)

Map Page


Sets the URL to MyMaps in links from MyHouse and LocalInfo responses

Map Pixel Tolerance


Number of pixels around the cursor to query for features when clicking on the map. Setting this to 0 will almost certainly render selecting point and line features impossible. Typically set to usual size of point feature icons



Sets MapSource for links from MyHouse and in LocalInfo responses

MyHouse Layout XSL


Can be used to override the overall layout of MyHouse/MyNearest panels.

The example provided will display Virtual Layer Groups on the welcome page when no location is set.

MyHouse Page


Used to create links in MyAlerts emails

MyHouse Source


Sets the default My House MapSource (will open at this tab when first visited)

MyHouse Title

My Workshop

Sets heading for MyHouse/MyNearest page, but hidden by default using CSS

MyPages Columns


Denotes number of columns to display in My House, valid values are: 3, 2 and 0. 0 Is used for Responsive Design layouts

NoPanels Page URL
From v6.0.0 - Sets the URL for a page to use to supply content when all panels have been deselected in MyHouse/MyNearest. If not set, uses local "atnopanels.aspx"

Projection SRID


From v5.6.2 - The SRID for the default projection to be used. This is normally "27700" for British National Grid

Projection SRS


From v5.6.2 - The SRS for the default project to be used. Normally "ESPG" for British National Grid

Welcome Page URL

Sets the URL for a page to use to supply content when no address has been set in MyHouse/MyNearest. If not set, uses local "atwelcome.aspx"


Configuration Root File


Sets the name of the XML file from which to read configured MapSource information. Do not change unless directed by Astun support

Image Format


Sets the format for maps that do not return their content type. Do not change unless directed by Astun support

Map Image Path


The folder where Mapserver saves images (must match setting in .map files)



Transform used by GetData LocalInfo requests when not set in the request

Source Root Directory


The install folder for WebService web application -should be replaced by RootPath setting in PATHS.XML, or relative paths (for things like XML folder, when used by WebService itself)

Use Single MyHouse


If set to False, fetches all content for My House in one go, otherwise will do an individual request for every single panel.

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