Configure EduBase Classic Layers

Configure EduBase Classic Layers

Once you have downloaded the EduBase data that you require and updated the .MAP file you will be able to add your EduBase Layer Group and Classic Layers via iShare Studio.

  • Create the "Education" Layer Group
  • Create the individual Classic Layers for each of the EduBase Layers you wish to display. 

Layer Attributes

Display name

This will be displayed on the layers panel within the web page e.g. Nursery Schools.

Layer name

Select the corresponding map file layer from the drop down list, e.g. nurseryschools.

Legend Image

This needs to be set to images/legend/blank.gif (which is the default setting).

Info Click

This needs to be 'ticked' to enable the Information 'pop up' window to be displayed.

Can Be Activated

This needs to be 'ticked' (this allows the user to 'toggle' the layer on/off ).

Search and Show My

Find Nearest

Select this radio button as this will search for the nearest results/ services to the user's entered address.


Enter the distance, in metres, to be searched from the chosen location e.g. 5000 (this will return the nearest results within 5000 meters).


Enter the number of nearest results you wish to be highlighted e.g. 5 (in this case the nearest 5 results will be highlighted, although all results will be returned)

Available Fields

As a minimum the name field (establishment_name) should be selected, so the Information pop up window will at least be populated with the School's name. 

Field Settings

To change the field settings first select the field from this list e.g. establishment_name.

Display field name

This should preferably be 'un-ticked' (when the 'name' field from the 'Available Fields' is selected). This will stop the word "name" appearing in the browser pop up window.

Link this field

This should be 'ticked' and the link field school_website (or website_address in Version 1) should be selected from the drop down menu. This will create a link within the pop up window, e.g. for the individual School.