Highlight a Feature in a Layer
iShare can be configured to highlight a particular feature in a layer simply by passing the relevant information such as the tab to display; Search layer; Search field and Search value; as parameters in the URL.
This can be useful if you wish to display a map from another application. For instance you may wish to highlight a particular Planning Application e.g.:
The above example link will display the Maps tab showing the Planning application for 06/1234 e.g.
The Map Information area at the bottom of the screen will display the details of the Planning Application or whatever other feature you are querying.
(It is also possible to switch other layers on by adding the Layers parameter to the URL, for example
which would also turn on the 'PlanningAppsAll' layer and allow the end user to see the highlighted planning application within the context of all planning applications).
Step-by-step guide
In order for the query function to work you will first need to make some changes to the .MAP file for the Map Source.
- You will need to add a QUERYMAP section to the .MAP file which must be added BEFORE the LAYER configuration entries. This lets MapServer know to draw a layer when you query the map.
Element | Description | Values |
STATUS | Whether the QUERYMAP is shown or not. This needs to be ON for the layer to be displayed. | ON OFF |
STYLE | HILITE - Draws selected features using COLOR. Non-selected features are drawn normally. NORMAL | NORMAL HILITE SELECTED |
COLOR | RGB settings for the border of the polygon. | e.g. 255 255 0 |
SIZE | Size of the map in pixels. Defaults to the size defined in the map object. |
- Next, for each LAYER on which you wish to be able to highlight a feature, you will first need to copy the existing information for the LAYER in the .MAP file and paste it at the end of your LAYER entries as this wants to be the last layer to be drawn.
In this example we have two Planning layers, one for all Planning Applications and one to just include those for 2010. We will copy the layer containing ALL Planning Application and change the NAME to be "planning_filter".
LAYER CONNECTION "Overlays\Planning\PlanningApplicationsAll.tab" CONNECTIONTYPE OGR METADATA "ows_title" "something" "wms_title" "something" END VALIDATION "qstring" "." END NAME "planning_filter" FILTER (PAPP_NO='%qstr%') STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON UNITS METERS CLASS STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0 WIDTH 4 END END END
You will need to add the following information which we have extracted from the example above.
.MAP Entry | Description |
"ows_title" | ows title |
"wms_title" | wms title |
NAME "planning_filter" | This entry defines the Layer Name that will be used in the URL. |
FILTER (PAPP_NO='%qstr%') | This entry defines the field in the search layer that will be used to search on e.g. PAPP_NO. (iShare version 5.8) |
FILTER ('[PAPP_NO]' = '%qstr%') | This entry defines the field in the search layer that will be used to search on e.g. PAPP_NO. (iShare version 6.0+) |
STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0 WIDTH 4 END | OUTLINECOLOR defines the colour of the outline. In this case Red. WIDTH defines the width of the line. |
Sample .MAP file
MAP # EXTENT 480000 149000 504600 169000 # Tile Cache EXTENT 329671.360270 186220.264259 338347.489656 190100.533544 TEMPLATEPATTERN "." IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE AGG_Q FONTSET "D:/mapserver/cgi-bin5.6/shared/fonts/fonts.list" SYMBOLSET "D:/mapserver/cgi-bin5.6/shared/symbols/symbols.sym" SHAPEPATH "D:\iShareData\Maps\MyCouncil\" SIZE 512 512 MAXSIZE 8192 UNITS METERS CONFIG MS_ERRORFILE "D:/mapserver/tmp/debug.log" NAME "WrkShp" DEBUG 1 OUTPUTFORMAT NAME "AGG_Q" MIMETYPE "image/png; mode=24bit" DRIVER "AGG/PNG" EXTENSION "png" IMAGEMODE "RGB" TRANSPARENT TRUE FORMATOPTION "TRANSPARENT=ON" END OUTPUTFORMAT NAME "AGG_JPEG" MIMETYPE "image/jpeg" DRIVER "AGG/JPEG" EXTENSION "JPG" IMAGEMODE "RGBA" TRANSPARENT TRUE FORMATOPTION "TRANSPARENT=ON" FORMATOPTION "interlace=off" END WEB IMAGEPATH "D:\mapserver\tmp\" IMAGEURL "" LOG "D:\mapserver\tmp\ms.log" # QUERYFORMAT text/html # LEGENDFORMAT text/html # BROWSEFORMAT text/html TEMPLATE "globexml.xml" END QUERYMAP COLOR 255 0 0 STATUS ON SIZE -1 -1 STYLE hilite END ## Overlays Start Here ## LAYER CONNECTION "Overlays\Planning\PlanningApplicationsAll.tab" CONNECTIONTYPE OGR METADATA "ows_title" "planning applications" "wms_title" "planning applications" END VALIDATION "qstring" "." END NAME "PlanningAppsAll" STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON UNITS METERS CLASS STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 95 121 207 WIDTH 2 END STYLE COLOR 95 121 207 OPACITY 10 END END END LAYER CONNECTION "Overlays\Planning\PlanningApplications10.tab" CONNECTIONTYPE OGR METADATA "ows_title" "planning applications" "wms_title" "planning applications" END VALIDATION "qstring" "." END NAME "PlanningApps2010" STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON UNITS METERS CLASS STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 158 8 28 WIDTH 2 END STYLE COLOR 158 8 28 OPACITY 10 END END END LAYER CONNECTION "Overlays\Planning\PlanningApplicationsAll.tab" CONNECTIONTYPE OGR METADATA "ows_title" "planning applications" "wms_title" "planning applications" END VALIDATION "qstring" "." END NAME "planning_filter" FILTER (PAPP_NO='%qstr%') STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON UNITS METERS CLASS STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0 WIDTH 4 END #STYLE # COLOR 95 121 207 # OPACITY 30 #END END END END
Studio Configuration
The "planning_filter" layer will need to be configured as an iShare Layer within Studio with the 'Info Click', 'Visible on Startup' and 'Can Be Activated' de-selected as per the screenshot example below.